Thank you for your interest in the Global Insights High School Exchange Program.
As a non-profit educational organization designated by the United States
Department of State as an official exchange visitor program, Global Insights is
dedicated to world peace and understanding through student exchange. Our
semester and academic year programs enable qualified international high school
students to attend high school in the US while living with a volunteer host
family. In addition, we offer outbound programs of various lengths of stay to
qualified American students.
The Global Insights National Office is located in Marietta, Georgia, a suburb of
Atlanta. There, the President and staff establish program policies, provide
final screening of all student applicants, recruit and train Area
Representatives, administer the program in the United States, and communicate
with overseas affiliates regarding the progress of exchange participants. The
Global Insights staff has considerable educational and international experience,
and all are dedicated to furthering international understanding through cultural
exchange programs.
We hope you will take some time to review the information available on our
website. On behalf of all of us who are working to benefit international and US
youth through exchange programs, thank you for your interest in our program.